THE RING VS THE GRUDGE Japanese Teaser Trailer

This is the movie we've all been waiting for! Japanese production company Kadokawa has released the first teaser trailer for The Ring vs. The Grudge, a.k.a Sadako Vs. Kayako. That's right, the two classic Japanese horror franchises featuring creepy grey ghost children, Sadako and Kayako, will be facing off with each other.

In case you need a refresher, Sadako from The Ring was murdered and thrown down a well. She started killing people through a haunted videotape. Kayako from Ju-On/The Grudge was also murdered as a child and is a vengeful spirit that crawls around ceilings and rattles at people in the house where she resides. 

The Ring Vs. The Grudge movie was actually inspired by a fan-made mashup trailer that was released online last year. The studio thought it was such a good idea that they decided to actually go ahead and turn into a film. 

The movie is being directed by Kōji Shiraishi, and it will star Mizuki Yamamoto (Ghost Hunt) in the lead role as Yūri. Sadako Vs. Kayako is out in Japan in June next year.

6月18日(土)禁断の決戦が幕を開ける―― 「リング」シリーズ 貞子[さだこ] VS 「呪怨」シリーズ 伽椰子[かやこ] 日本ホラー史上最大の歴史的スーパープロジェクト始動! 決して出会ってはいけない2つの「呪い」が絡まる時、世紀の最恐対決がはじまる! #さだかや

Via: Empire

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