This Guy Scarfs Snacks Exactly Like Homer Simpson Does — GeekTyrant

This Guy Scarfs Snacks Exactly Like Homer Simpson Does

Animated characters often do things that just aren't physically possible in real life. Example: a good friend of mine tried to do the dance move "The Perfect Cast" from A Goofy Movie at my wedding reception, but because Goofy's legs aren't bound by the normal laws of gravity like my friend's were, he couldn't do an exact replica. (He still did a killer rendition of it, though. It was the best a human being could possibly do.)

But armed with some sped-up video footage, CinemaRaven managed to pull off the seemingly impossible task of snacking just like Homer Simpson. Check out his recreation of one of the show's opening moments, and think about how long it must have taken to memorize the snacking pattern and pull this off, all for nine seconds of glory.

Via: Uproxx

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