Warner Bros. Animation has released the first trailer for their new animated feature, Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts. The trailer shows the Dark Knight going up against his long-time nemesis the Penguin, and they bring some of their colleagues along for the battle. Some of the characters that will be featured on Penguin's team include Killer Croc, Cheetah, Man-Bat, and Silverback. Then on team Batman, we have Red Robin, Nightwing, Flash, and Green Arrow.
The movie will kick off a whole new line of Batman toys and more animated projects. A second Batman Unlimited movie will also be released later this year, along with 22 two-minute shorts that will include the "Unlimited" cast. Mattel's new Batman toy line is apparently already on shelves. Here are some additional details:
All-new DC Comics Original Movie coming from Warner Bros. Animation and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment in late Spring 2015
When Gotham City is plagued by a slew of bizarre crimes committed by the animal-inspired villain squad, known as the Animilitia -- made up of Silverback, Cheetah, Killer Croc and Man-Bat -- Batman must swing into action to investigate. These animalistic villains bring new and exciting challenges for Batman, who must find a way to bring these criminal creatures to justice! But could the Animilitia be working for powerful businessman Oswald Cobblepot a.k.a. The Penguin? In the end, it’ll take the combined forces of Batman, Flash, Green Arrow, Nightwing and Red Robin to fight off these Animal Instincts.
Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts will be released on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital HD on May 12th. It looks like it will be a decent animated movie! Thanks to CBR for the trailer!