Trailer for Indie Space Adventure Sci-Fi Movie - THE LAST SCOUT

You've got to check out this trailer for an incredible looking film in development called The Last Scout. This is an independent film directed by Simon Phillips, and he made it on a shoestring budget. He is currently trying to raise funds through Indiegogo so that he can finish the VFX and other post-production work. The movie is a sci-fi space thriller, and from what I've seen in this trailer this looks like it could be an incredibly impressive movie for what they've had to work with to make it.

The story takes place in the year 2065, and earth has been destroyed after a nuclear war between the East and the West. It kind of has the same vibe as Christopher Nolan's Interstellar, as mankind is forced to leave earth to try and survive by finding a new home. 

The movie stars Rita Ramnani, Peter Woodward, Simon Phillips, Rebecca Ferdinando, Deji LaRay, Paul Thomas Arnold, Petra Bryant, and Blaine Gray. There's no release date yet, but I hope that the filmmakers are able to finish the project so we can see it!

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