Trailer For UK Re-Release of BLADE RUNNER: THE FINAL CUT

It was recently announced that Blade Runner 2 is officially moving forward with director Denis Villeneuve (Prisoners, Enemy) and Harrison Ford, who is currently recovering from a plane crash

Blade Runner: The Final Cut is getting a theatrical re-release in the UK, and we've got a freshly cut trailer for the movie that fans should really enjoy.  It's cut together extremely well, and it makes me wish that I could watch this version of the film on the big screen. Hell, I've never seen any version of the film on the big screen! This is one of my favorite sci-fi films ever, and one day I need to see it in a theater. Director Ridley Scott had this to say in a statement:

“The Final Cut is my definitive version of Blade Runner, and I’m thrilled that audiences will have the opportunity to enjoy it in the way I intended — on the big screen. This new trailer captures the essence of the film and I hope will inspire a new generation to see Blade Runner when it is re-released."

The movie will hit theaters in the U.K. on April 3rd, and I hope that one day maybe we'll get to see it in cinemas here in the U.S. 

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