Video Examines Action Scenes in THE RAID Films, OLDBOY, and More

YouTuber Rossatron has put together a solid video that examines the action scenes of movies like The Raid, Oldboy, Ip Man, the films of Jackie Chan, and many more. It's essentially a love letter to The Raid director Gareth Evans, pointing out how he operates with the mentality of knowing exactly what he needs to capture in each shot and not wasting time shooting extra, unnecessary coverage on set. This type of guerrilla filmmaking was popularized by Robert Rodriguez back in the '90s with his film El Mariachi and his book detailing the making of that movie, Rebel Without a Crew. (If you're interested in directing, check out that book if you haven't yet.)

Beware: there's some pretty gnarly violence in this video, so you may want to avoid watching it at work if there are prying eyes around.

Support the channel: Click CC (English) for names of films. Are The Raid and The Raid 2 perfect action films? Can you even have perfect action films? Is there such a thing as the perfect way to shoot action? Lets find out.

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