Warwick Davis May Have Just Confirmed a STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Spoiler

Possible spoilers ahead for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Three months ago, we found out that Warwick Davis, who played the Ewok Wicket in Return of the Jedi, has been cast in a mystery role in J.J. Abrams' upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Before that, we'd heard rumors that Darth Vader would appear in a flashback, and now it appears that Davis may have confirmed the rumor with a new photo.

Davis was a guest on The One Show last night (via Yahoo UK), and though he didn't give any specific details about the upcoming blockbuster, he did share two selfies he took on the set at Pinewood Studios in London. One is in front of Chewbacca, who we already knew for sure was confirmed to return, and the other is in front of Darth Vader, who - as far as I can tell - hasn't been officially confirmed to be appearing in the film. But if Davis took this pic on the set of the movie, it seems pretty clear that Vader will appear on screen, at least for a minute or two.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens in theaters on December 18th, 2015.

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