Watch a Samurai Slice a 100 MPH Baseball in Half with a Sword

Isao Machii is a master swordsman and modern day samurai warrior, and you can watch him in action below. On the first try, with one swipe of his sword, he slices a baseball in half that is rocketing toward him at 100 mph. It's truly incredible and fun to watch. I've also included a video of him competing with a robot. Sometimes I wish I grew up being trained as a samurai warrior. Now I just watch other people like Machii living my dream. 

以前、ソフトバンクのCMでエビフライを居合い斬りし、海外でも大きな話題となった "平成の侍"町井勲。そんな町井氏が、バッティングセンターで時速160kmのボールを居合い斬りする動画をノーカットで配信!改めてその凄さが伝わってきます。 【関連リンク】 ★他のおもしろイベントをCHECK! ...

安川電機は、創立100周年という節目に、安川電機に連綿と受け継がれる"ものづくりスピリット"を世界に向けて発信。 『YASKAWA BUSHIDO PROJECT』は、「6mmBB弾居合斬り」を始め数多くの世界記録を保持する町井氏の神業とも言える剣技を、"俊敏性"・"正確性"・"しなやかさ"を高次元に融合させるという産業用ロボットの性能限界に挑みながら「MOTOMAN-MH24」で忠実に再現すると同時に、日本の武士道が大切にしてきた礼節や相手を思いやる心まで表現するプロジェクトです。 Yaskawa Electric Corporation conveys to the world the "manufacturing spirit" inherited continuously in itself to mark its 100th anniversary of foundation. In "YASKAWA BUSHIDO PROJECT", we reproduced Machii's swordplay with MOTOMAN-MH24, while challenging the industrial robot's performance limitations by integrating "legerity", "accuracy" and "agility" at a high level.

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