Watch the Development of America's Next Space Shuttle

Videos by Joey Paur

Ever since NASA'a budget was gutted, the space program has been left in the hands of private companies to make technological advances and exploration. One such company is the Sierra Nevada Corporation, who has developed the next space shuttle that will rocket into space. The shuttle is scheduled to be fully operational in 2016, and it will rise above the clouds atop an Atlas V rocket. It's called the Dream Chaser, and it will be able to carry seven astronauts into orbit and back. It looks really cool, and you can watch a video of its development below! Thanks to Gizmodo.

This video summarizes the development, testing and manufacturing of America's next generation commercial crew vehicle, Sierra Nevada Corporation's Dream Chaser spacecraft! SNC is working with NASA's Commercial Crew Program to develop an innovative, modern, flexible and highly-capable crew transportation system for the 21st Century.

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