Will Gwen Stacy Be Resurrected in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 3? — GeekTyrant

Will Gwen Stacy Be Resurrected in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 3?

We have absolutely no idea what Sony Pictures plans on doing with Spider-Man at this point. There's been so many rumors being reported by reputable sites, but we've heard no official confirmation on anything. We've heard that Spider-Man could be rebooted again with Sinister Six, that Marvel is in negotiations with Sony to bring Spider-Man into the MCU, and that they also might be thinking about making an all-female Spider-Man movie. We now have a new rumor to throw into the pot.

According to Christian Today, who have landed a few scoops in the past, the studio is looking at bringing Gwen Stacy back from the dead for The Amazing Spider-Man 3. Now even though the film was given a release date of June 10th, 2016, we don't know at this point if the studio still plans on moving forward with it. 

As you know, Gwen died at the end of The Amazing Spider-Man 2. But according to the report, the studio may be contemplating resurrecting her in the same way that Marvel comics did. In the comic storyline, there's a professor from Empire State University who was in love with Gwen, and when she died he went a little crazy. He became a villain known as The Jackal and created a clone of Gwen.

This could be just pure speculation, but with the studio toying with the idea of of an all-female Spider-verse movie, anything could happen. If they are willing to go there, I think they'd be willing to talk about bringing Gwen back to be a part of this female superhero universe. 

This rumor is really out there and should be taken with a grain of salt. But if this is something that Sony is considering, do you think it's a good idea?

Via: Screen Crush

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