Wonder Woman is a 5000 Year Old Retired Superhero in BATMAN V SUPERMAN

Some interesting new details have surfaced regarding Wonder Woman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. During a recent interview with Empire Magazine, director Zack Snyder spoke about including the character in the film and Gal Gadot gave us some intel on the character’s background. Snyder explained:

"It was incredibly organic how Wonder Woman came into the story. The whole concept came of, 'Let's not save anything. Let's try it all.' Then Wonder Woman's entrance made us realize we were much closer to the Justice League than we thought. We realized we were one movie away." 

The report goes on to reveal that when we catch up with Wonder Woman in the movie, she is over 5000 years old and that she's no longer a superhero. She obviously comes out of retirement in Batman v Superman to help them battle a new threat of evil that rises. When asked why her character retired, Gadot said:

"Because she's seen it all, she has seen what humans can do, so it was very hard for her to come back and fight.”  

She also talked about how Wonder Woman and Diana are different from each other:

"They have the same attitude. Although when she is Diana she tries to blend in, she is not too outgoing. I don't want people to think she is perfect. She can be naughty."

Executive producer Deborah Snyder expanded on that and shed some new light on what else we can expect to see from the character in the DCEU:

"Her sexuality is part of her power, but she is also a feminist icon. Gender has been a hot topic, so it is very timely to bring her back. The way we have approached it, especially in the stand alone movie, that is definitely there. Looking back and doing an origin story - and it is a period piece - see the role of women through history. There is a great source of humour in that now. It is so unbelievable you can't even fathom it. You are still making a statement, but having some fun with it."

It’s about time Wonder Woman is making her big screen debut. It sounds like they are treating the character with care, but only time will tell on if fans will embrace this new version of the character. The movie hits theaters on March 25th.

Via: CBM

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