New ABDUCTION poster shows Taylor Lautner running for his life

PosterMovie Taylor Lautner by

A new poster for Abduction has arrived online. The film was directed by John Singleton and stars Taylor Lautner, Danny GloverSigourney WeaverAlfred MolinaMichael NyqvistMaria Bello, and Jason Isaacs.

I am not too excited for this film, but I think that it will do well at the box office because of Lautner's fan base. I recently re-watched License to Kill with Richard Grieco and realized that Grieco as a spy is like envisioning Lautner as an super kid.

Check out the poster below:


What would you do if you found your own picture on a missing persons website? Teen Nathan Harper (Taylor Lautner) finds himself facing this very dilemma. Setting out to uncover his real identity, Nathan quickly learns his parents are far from who they say they are. When the police, government agents and shadowy figures start to pursue him, Nathan’s quest for the truth erupts into a full-blown “Bourne”-like man-on-the-run thriller.

The film arrives in theaters on September 23. Watch the newest trailer here.

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