Sign Our Petition for an Aged Batman Movie!

So your response to my rant about Clint Eastwood playing Batman was awesome. Lots of good ideas flowed from the discussion, from Michael Keaton reprising his role, to the discussion of a Dark Knight Returns or a Batman Beyond script.

It got me thinking...why can't we Geektyrants use our tyranny for awesome?

So let's try to make it happen. I created a petition for Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment requesting a script prepared for an elderly Bruce Wayne, be it Eastwood or Keaton, to appear on the big screen. I included a link to the original article, but tried to keep it a blend of readers thoughts and my own opinion.

Your job? Sign it here, and share it with every friend who is a fan of Batman. Facebook wall, Twitter, whatever you have to do to spread the word. Think about it guys, we can really make this idea happen! I look forward to seeing your participation, so we can make this geek dream a reality!

Email Me: Twitter: @MickJoest


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