5 Reasons Why AQUAMAN Will Be The Standout Film and Character in The DCEU

Yeah, you read me right.

Aquaman isn't due to be released until 2018, and by then we'll have seen the character fight alongside the Justice League in Zack Snyder's upcoming epic. Looking past that, we have The Flash and Aquaman, and while The Flash is probably going to be a fun ride, Aquaman is going to give us a world and character that's been relatively untapped in the mainstream. To most, Aquaman is nothing but a joke character — only swimming around in the ocean in his pretty orange and green suit, talking to fish and stuff — but he's so much more than that.

There's been some controversy surrounding Aquaman's pre-production, and while some may see this as signs of red-alert, I think it's going to help in giving us not only a quality Aquaman film, but a standout film that could potentially become iconic. Come venture with me as I give you five reasons why you should believe my crazy ramblings!

5. Atlantis

Having been shrouded in mystery and debated among many for thousands of years, Atlantis hasn't been explored that much on film. Maybe studio execs believe it's not marketable for some reason? Regardless, Atlantis is rich in mythology itself, not to mention the many stories Wan has to pull from the Aquaman comics. There's so much potential to deliver some unique settings and situations set within the city and surrounding ocean that should give us some epic visuals and design. With most of the film presumably taking place underwater, it's a perfect opportunity to give us an extra dimension that can be explored in an interesting way that we haven't seen before.

4. Rewrites

In recent news, it was announced that Will Beall was re-hired after leaving the project's script to Wan's Conjuring 2 collaborator David Leslie Johnson. Johnson's script has been "scrapped" and Beall will write from a treatment written by Wan and the Co-Head of DC Films, Geoff Johns. Now, Beall doesn't have that great of a track record, I'll admit, and is responsible for films such as (cringeGangster Squad and The Legend of Conan. So you're probably asking, "Why is this a good thing?"

It's good because it's showing us that Wan is committed and passionate about this project. Amid some creative talent dropping away from the DCEU, he's standing strong and not settling for any script that's handed down the pipeline. Sure, Beall doesn't have that great of a track record, but Wan does, and it's ultimately his story. With his supervision and input, the script should be up to par.

3. Jason Momoa

He certainly is a friggin monster, isn't he? I mean, just look at him. First thing: I can totally see him punching a shark right in the face. I'm sure he has, actually.

The casting of Jason Momoa is inspired, giving us a hulking Arthur Curry that's capable of visually standing toe to toe with any of the heroes in the Justice League. Not only is he massive, but he can pull off a cocky attitude that lines up with his character perfectly. He's going to deliver a very believable Curry/Aquaman, and it'll be great to watch him shatter the years of preconceptions that come with the character.

2. He's More Interesting Than You Think

Speaking of preconceptions, Aquaman has had a bad rep in the public eye for many, many years. Yes, he has a legion of dedicated fans, but there are legions more who just see him as a glorified Sea-World trainer. If you're one of those people, lend your eyes to this panel below, where he just straight-up rocks Superman in the face.

Yeah. That happened.

The constant pressures from the ocean deep make his skin impenetrable, and as a result, it makes him, well, really strong. He obviously can't beat Superman or anything, but he can definitely hold his own in a fight with mostly any adversary. Also, guess what? He doesn't talk to fish! Yeah! The brains of fish are too primitive to converse, so it's more persuasion with a sort of mental telepathy. Might not be a lot cooler, but it's cooler! And you know what? He can tap into primitive, fishy sections of your brain to do some real damage, too. Yeah. Aquaman is kind of a badass, people.

I could keep going on with reasons why Aquaman is a lot more than just talking (telepathically communicating) to fish. He's a genuine hero that deserves his place in the Justice League, and this movie will show us that he deserves some respect very soon.

1. James Wan

Have you seen The Conjuring 2? It's a masterpiece of horror filmmaking, and maybe filmmaking in general. Wan is one of the most talent directors working today. He has a unique eye for framing shots and moving the camera in creative ways that keep you on your toes while simultaneously getting the best out of his casts. He recently spoke, albeit briefly, about Aquaman at this year's Comic-Con, saying:

"Fucking Aquaman! What can I say? Aquaman's such an amazing character. I love the fact that he's never really been portrayed in the feature movie world before...and the opportunity to explore this universe, you know, bring a bit of my horror element into this. The deep sea is a scary world. And then also explore the wondrous world of Atlantis. That's all I have to say."

Wan is the perfect mind to have on a project like this. We know less about our oceans than we do about space, which gives him infinite paths to take. The prospect of getting some of his long, slow, and intense shots in the black deep, with any manner of creature lurking in the darkness, is very tantalizing. He's masterful in building tension with his visuals and pacing, and if his previous work indicates quality for the future, we should have more faith in him than say, Zack Snyder, who is a step above Michael Bay at this point.

Aquaman is going to surprise many people. With so much source material to pick from, a great director with a palpable passion for his project, and a solid cast, we might just look at this film as the standout in the DCEU for many years to come. Our first non-cameo glimpse of Aquaman will be in Justice League next year, with his solo film coming in July 2018.

Who do you think the standout character of the DCEU will be? Is it one of the recent Suicide Squad members? Wonder Woman? Batfleck? Let us know in the comments below!

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