A Sequel To Luc Besson's VALERIAN is Still Possible if Audiences Watch it at Home
Luc Besson's Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets made over $219 million at the box office worldwide. It wasn't a mega-hit, but it still did alright. I actually enjoyed the film and I'd totally be down to see a sequel or two get made.
Before the first movie even opened Besson said that he has already written the sequel and that he started work on a third film in the series as well. In regards to whether or not a sequel would get made, at the time he said:
"I don’t know if we will do it, because it’s not up to me. It’s up to the audience if they like it."
Some people enjoyed the movie, like myself, others didn't like it at all. I just enjoyed it for the crazy sci-fi adventure film that it was. It'd be pretty cool to see another adventurous story with these characters. According to Besson, a sequel is still possible. In a recent interview with Bad Taste, he explains the fate of the sequel rests in the hands of the home entertainment sales:
"What happens today, you know it’s a little different than like 5 or 10 years ago. Because the way people consume the film is very different. Like people are very busy, so they go to the cinema, but you stay on screen like three weeks. Before when I start my movie like Fifth Element or Leon, you stay 12, 15, 20 weeks in theater…Now you stay on screen for like two, three weeks and the VOD very soon, you have the DVD, the TV, so sometimes people they want to see a film and miss it, so they go there. So let’s wait till the end of what we call the first circle. The first circle is really theater, VOD, DVD and to see what is the audience."
I should remind you that Besson funded the first film on his own. It wasn't financially backed by a major studio, so if the numbers do come in at where they need to be with the home entertainment sales, I'm sure Besson will most likely press forward and make the sequel independently again.
Did you like Valerian? Would you be up for watching a sequel if Besson made it?