Adam Savage Shows Off His Awesome Custom Build of STARFIELD's "The Frontier" Spaceship Model

Adam Savage and his team partnered up with Bethesda Game Studios to build a model of “The Frontier” spaceship featured in the hit video game Starfield. The completed result is freakin’ awesome! They put in a lot of hard work into this model and the detail they put into it is incredible. This is truly top-notch impressive model work.

Savage released a video to show off the epic build on his YouTube channel Tested and you can watch it below. The video came with the note: “With the build and the motion-control short film wrapped, Norm, Joey and Josh put together this sequence to showcase the work of our incredible build team in yet another way. Enjoy!”

I also included a couple of other videos below showing off the process of the model build as well as a behind the scenes look at the virtual film production.

Adam and the Tested build team “put the finishing touches of weathering, decals, and vinyl application onto the Frontier ship and dress the interior of the cockpit diorama. We're so proud of this build and had so much fun in every step of the process. Time to pack the model up and take it to be filmed in a motion control sequence!”

With the Starfield Frontier Spaceship model finally complete, “Adam and the build team head down to Orbital Studios in Los Angeles to film our model using the latest in virtual production and motion control technology. Fellow ILM model shop veteran Fon Davis joins us to lend his expertise in filming miniatures and we commence the shooting of our practical effects sequence!”

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