Amusing New DC Comic Strip Pokes Fun at "The Cape Thing"
Artist Kerry Callen has released another great vintage-style DC superhero comic strip for you to enjoy. This one pokes fun at the whole cape thing. I love how The Flash ruins everything and Aquaman's got little seashells covering his nipples. When talking about the comic, Callen said:
As I drew this, I started wondering, "Who was the first person to hide behind their own cape? "Dracula? The Shadow? Bull fighters? Is it a cliche from ancient times? Anybody out there know anything about it?
To check out some of Callen's previously released art, click on the following links: Superman Gets Teased about His Underpants; Superman and Wonder Woman Discuss "Bullet Bouncing"; Why it's Important for Superman to Clean His Ears; Funny Comic Tells Story Behind Superman's Iconic Action Comics #1 Cover Art, and Superman Pranks The Flash in a Race in Funny Comic Strip Art from Kerry Callen.