BATMAN V SUPERMAN Director Zack Snyder Calls Marvel's ANT-MAN a "Flavor of The Week"

The battle between DC and Marvel movies continues. A recent rundown of the beef between the studios includes a Warner Bros. exec claiming DC movies were "edgier" than Marvel's and Kevin Feige defending his filmmakers' visions. Now Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice director Zack Snyder has jumped into the mix in a new interview with The Daily Beast, casting Ant-Man in a pretty unfavorable light:

"But I feel like Batman and Superman are transcendent of superhero movies in a way, because they’re Batman and Superman. They’re not just, like, the flavor of the week Ant-Man—not to be mean, but whatever it is. What is the next Blank-Man?”

If his point was simply that Batman and Superman are the two biggest superheroes in the world, there was probably a way to get that across without dissing the competition. But this is Hollywood, and narratives like these are what help drive fan conversation in the months in between superhero films.

Meanwhile, as to the recent rumor that the studio wants more Batman put in the movie and less Superman, Snyder says:

“Only in that because it’s a different Batman than the Batman that was in the Chris Nolan movies, so we have a little bit more explaining to do—and you just had a whole Superman movie,” he smiled. “But I think only in that way, because you need to understand where Batman is with everything. And that’s more toward the beginning, but it evens back out as it goes on.”

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice arrives in theaters on March 25th, 2016.

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