BLACK MIRROR Actress's Audition for GHOSTBUSTERS 3 Gives Us Some Clues about the Script

12 year-old Canadian actress Sarah Abbott, probably best known for her work in the Jodie Foster-directed episode of Black Mirror, is auditioning for the new Jason Reitman-directed Ghostbusters 3, which isn’t the hugest news in the world, but she put her audition tapes online, and that maybe tips us off to some script details we wouldn’t have had otherwise. Obviously, Abbott is auditioning for one of the new generation kids roles. She’s not auditioning to replace Bill Murray as Venkman or anything. We previously learned character descriptions for two of the kids. This character appears to be the 12 year-old socially awkward science nerd.

The videos are listed as private on Vimeo, but HN Entertainment posted transcripts. The character listed as “Other” is just whomever she is reading with.

Scene 1:

GIRL: I’ve been working on a joke for people to feel more comfortable.

OTHER: Okay, let’s hear it.

GIRL: Two chemists go into a bar. The first one says “I’ll think I’ll have an H2O” the second one says “I think I’ll have H2O2″…and then he died.

OTHER: I don’t get it.

GIRL: H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, you can’t drink it, it’s poisonous.

OTHER: That’s why it’s funny.

GIRL: Yeah, it’s a pretty hilarious joke.

OTHER: Hey, I got a call from Ms. Fannigan she seemed pretty upset.

GIRL: I asked her if she stopped dieting again.

OTHER: Why would you ask that?

GIRL: Because she’s been gaining weight.

OTHER: And this seemed like a good idea? To bring this up with her?

GIRL: Are you upset? Your forehead is tight that usually means you’re upset.

OTHER: That’s how you know I’m mad?

GIRL: That, and you start talking through your teeth. Like this [makes a grimace while talking through teeth]. When you really get angry your knuckles go white and your neck goes into a stress rash, and you have a sip from your whiskey you keep behind the towel.

OTHER: Got it. At your new school were you planning on making many friends?

Scene 2:

OTHER: What are you reading?

GIRL: Joke book.

OTHER: You’re learning jokes to repeat?

GIRL: Apparently, the engendered environment of trust and warmth.

OTHER: Sometimes they even make people laugh.

GIRL: I like jokes.

OTHER: Yeah, okay.

GIRL: I’m not a machine, I just don’t pick up on traditional social cues.

OTHER: Okay, what’s your favorite joke?

GIRL: Why do seagulls fly over the sea?

OTHER: I don’t know.

GIRL: If they flew over the bay they’d be bagels.

OTHER: It’s not awful.

GIRL: I didn’t write it.

OTHER: Noone writes jokes, they just kind of exist. Next time someone is telling you something kind of interesting just say ‘stop it’.

GIRL: Why?

OTHER: It makes it seem like your interested. Here try it and I’ll just talk about… Did you know there is more sand in New Mexico than the entire Sahara?

GIRL: That’s not true.

OTHER: I know, I’m just making it up, you know.. forget about it.

GIRL: Stop it!

OTHER: That’s not how it works.

This gives us a little feel for the tone and humor of the movie. It is very Reitman-y, which is obviously to be expected. The project is expected to start filming in late spring for a July 10, 2020 release. Let’s hope it’s good!

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