BLACK PANTHER Concept Art Shows Early Designs For Killmonger and His Masks

A lot of fans seem to love the villain Killmonger in Marvel's Black Panther. Some are saying he's the best Marvel villain of all time. I personally don't agree with that opinion, but I do think he's a great villain and what I liked about him most was that he was a relatable and complicated character who deep down may have had good intentions, but went about everything the wrong way.

Now, thanks to CBM, a collection of concept art has surfaced from the film featuring several early designs for Killmonger and the different mask designs that they were playing with. One of them even looks like The Predator, which I thought was kinda cool. There's also some really creepy mask designs. Then I included a piece of badass concept art at the very bottom. 

Check out the designs and let us know what you think. Do you have any favorites? 

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