Challenge Your Friends to Join "International Fight With a Lightsaber Day" — #LightsaberFight
Last year, GeekTyrant started "International Fight With a Lightsaber Day." We had participation from 33 countries and a social reach of over 5 million in only eight days. Check out some of the fun of last year, if you haven't already. The big reason this new geek holiday was so successful is because of all the GeekTyrant readers who helped share the holiday by challenging their friends in the days leading up to October 10th, and we're gearing up for the second annual celebration this year.
Spread the Word
/ Make The Challenge
Take a photo of yourself brandishing a lightsaber, tag your friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and challenge them to a lightsaber duel on October 10th. Use #LightsaberFight to keep the madness organized and get your photo(s) retweeted or shared by GeekTyrant.
I tagged family and friends in other countries and states that I knew were Star Wars fans, and they in turn did the did the same. It was really cool to see all those lightsabers in my social feed that week.
How to Participate
on October 10th
Get into a lightsaber fight and take a photo, shoot a video, or even better, livestream it and use #LightsaberFight. Some readers last year created flash mobs, challenged random people on the street (be safe), and held lightsaber fight parties on the day. GeekTyrant had a huge battle in our office parking lot with about 75 people, and this year should be even more epic!
We've got more things to announce about "International Fight With a Lightsaber Day" coming soon — May The Force Be With You!