Danny McBride Discusses His HALLOWEEN Film and Says "I Hope That we Don’t F*** it Up and Piss People Off"
I'm pretty excited about seeing what Danny McBride and David Gordon Green have planned for their Halloween movie. I've liked everything that I've heard about the film so far, but now McBride has said a few more things that are getting me even more excited. While talking to Yahoo!, he explained how the project came together, how they managed to get the film rolling, and also how they got Jamie Lee Curtis on board.
“I’m a humongous Halloween fan, so when David and I got approached about doing this from Blumhouse [the studio behind Get Out], the first thing David and I said was, ‘We’ll come up with a take, but we have to pitch it to [franchise creator John] Carpenter. If he’s not interested, we’re definitely not into making this.’ And [executive producer] Jason Blum was totally on board with that. That’s exactly what he wanted to do anyway. So we came up with our pitch. We pitched to Carpenter, and he was into it, which kind of blew David and me away, but I still think nobody was really talking about Jamie. … I think everyone was kind of on the mindset of it’d be a grab to get her, but no one really knew if we would be able to. So Dave and I just busted our ass on this script to really make that Laurie Strode character something she wouldn’t be able to say no to. When we finished the script, we sent it to her, and she said she was in. So we just flipped out. We were over the moon about her involvement.”
If they made the Laurie Strode character something that Jamie Lee Curtis couldn't say no to, I imagine that means she's going to have a big meaty role in the story, which is what I was hoping for. McBride won't go into any of the story details, but he did confirm previous reports that the film is set after the first movie and it will ignore all the other sequels.
“We’re kind of ignoring all the films past the first one. It picks up after the first one, but it’s sort of an alternate reality. It’s as if the first Halloween ended in a slightly different way.”
It sounds to me like they are going to give the original film a different kind of ending to fit the direction for their sequel. That should be interesting. I wonder how the fans are going to feel about it. I guess it all depends on what this alternate ending entails. One thing is for sure though, he doesn't want to piss the fans off.
“I just hope that we don’t f*** it up and piss people off. This is such a diehard fan base. You don’t want horror fans being your enemies because they show up at your house with masks on. We are diehard fans of Halloween. We’re watching all the sequels and where things have taken left turns here and there that maybe bites for fans, and at least trying to deliver what we would have wanted to see. Hopefully that will line up with most fans.”
John Carpenter is a producer on the film and he previously said that he’s going to help to try to make this sequel "the scariest of them all.” When asked how scared fans should be, McBride said:
“I think you should be very scared. I mean, this isn’t a comedy at all. I think there was, like, maybe one joke on the page, but the rest is straight horror. So hopefully it gets in people’s heads and keeps them up late at night.”
I really hope that they can pull that off! I would love to see a brutally scary Halloween movie that actually keeps me up at night. That's not an easy task as I'm kinda desensitized to horror films.
Halloween hits theaters Oct. 19, 2018.