Dave Bautista Says Jared Leto's Joker Movie Increases The Chances of a Drax Movie

Earlier this week we learned that Jared Leto's version of The Joker would be getting his own solo film. A lot of fans weren't too thrilled to hear the news, but Marvel star Dave Bautista seems to be looking on the bright side of things. He believes that a movie like this could open a door for a solo Drax the Destroyer movie.

Here's his optimistic outlook on the matter in response to a fan who thinks the solo Joker movie is a bad idea:

He makes a good point! If Jared Leto's Joker can get his own movie, why in the world couldn't we see one for Drax!? The question is, do you think Drax is worthy of his own film? Obviously, they'd have to fill it with other characters because Drax works better playing off others. But, a film that focused on a story involving Drax could be fun.

I doubt that is in Marvel's future plans, but if there was a Drax solo film, what would you like to see in a Drax film? What characters would you fill it with and who would you bring in as the main villain?

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