Dave Filoni Says Anakin Skywalker Is "The Greatest Jedi of All Time" and STAR WARS Fans Are Debating the Claim

Dave Filoni has claimed that Anakin Skywalker is the greatest Jedi of all time, and you might expect, the Star Wars fans are debating the claim.

The comment came from Filoni in a video about the upcoming Ahsoka series, and in it, Filoni commented: "We're telling the story of this character who's been trained by the greatest Jedi of all time in Anakin Skywalker."

Some fans agree with this claim, while others completely disagree with it and they offer up their reasons why. Here are a few responses from fans on Twitter. Read through them and let us know what you think! Do you think Anakin is the greatest Jedi ever?

Here are five reasons that made Anakin a great Jedi and five reasons that made him a terrible Jedi:

  1. Unparalleled Force Potential: Anakin Skywalker possessed an exceptional level of Force sensitivity, which made him one of the most powerful Jedi in history.

  2. Chosen One Prophecy: Anakin Skywalker was believed to be the prophesied Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force. His destiny played a significant role in the Jedi Order's actions, leading them to believe that he was the key to restoring harmony in the galaxy.

  3. Skilled Pilot and Strategist: Anakin's exceptional piloting skills and strategic thinking made him an invaluable asset to the Jedi Order. His talents were pivotal in numerous battles during the Clone Wars, where he showcased his ability to outmaneuver adversaries and secure crucial victories.

  4. Natural Leader: Despite his inner conflict, Anakin exhibited strong leadership qualities. He inspired loyalty among his fellow Jedi and Clone Troopers, earning their respect and admiration. Anakin's ability to command and motivate others was evident throughout his journey.

  5. Redemption and Legacy: Anakin's story arc highlighted the power of redemption and the capacity for change. Despite succumbing to the dark side as Darth Vader, he ultimately found redemption through his son, Luke Skywalker. Anakin's ultimate sacrifice to save Luke and overthrow Emperor Palpatine demonstrated the inherent goodness within him, leaving a lasting legacy.

Reasons why Anakin Skywalker isn't the greatest Jedi of all time:

  1. Succumbed to the Dark Side: Anakin's downfall as Darth Vader is a significant factor in arguing against him being the greatest Jedi. His choices and actions led him to embrace the dark side of the Force, resulting in immense suffering and the destruction of the Jedi Order.

  2. Lack of Emotional Control: Anakin's strong emotions, particularly fear and attachment, hindered his judgment and decision-making abilities. His attachment to Padmé Amidala and fear of losing her played a pivotal role in his transformation into Darth Vader. A great Jedi must maintain emotional balance.

  3. Disregard for Jedi Code: Anakin frequently disregarded the Jedi Code, especially when it conflicted with his personal desires or goals. He often acted impulsively, making choices that were at odds with the teachings of the Jedi Order.

  4. Betrayal of Trust: Anakin's betrayal of trust is a crucial factor in questioning his Jedi loyalty. He betrayed the Jedi Order and his closest friends, including Obi-Wan Kenobi. His horrific actions during Order 66 resulted in the deaths of numerous Jedi and the collapse of the Republic.

  5. Limited Time as a Jedi: Anakin's tenure as a Jedi Knight was relatively short-lived due to his fall to the dark side. While he displayed immense potential, his time to develop and fully realize his capabilities as a Jedi was cut short, limiting his overall impact on the Jedi Order and the galaxy.

What do you think about the claim of Anakin being the greatest Jedi of all time?

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