David Ayer on How SUICIDE SQUAD Broke Him, Hollywood is "Like Watching Someone You Love get F—ked by Someone You Hate”

David Ayer recently appeared on Jon Bernthal’s Real Ones podcast and while on the show he talked about his experience with Suicide Squad. That whole experience left a bad taste in his mouth and it’s a taste that he still hasn’t been able to wash out. Ayer is constantly talking about his Suicide Squad movie because the film that was released wasn’t his true vision of it, the studio released a cut of the film that they put together and it changed the film’s entire tone from his original concept.

When Ayer was asked about his biggest Hollywood heartbreak, he went on to explain that Suicide Squad broke him, saying:

“Hollywood — I tell people — is like watching someone you love get f**ked by someone you hate. The big one is ‘Suicide Squad.’ That shit broke me. That handed me my ass.”

You can tell he hated that experience. Every time he talks about it, every time he responds to a fan about it, he tries to explain his best that the studio screwed him over. He went on to share how everything fell apart for the movie:

“Come right off ‘Fury,’ right? I had the town in my hand — could’ve done anything, and I did do anything, and [I] go on this journey with [‘Suicide Squad’]. And the same thing — authentic, truthful, let’s do all the rehearsal, let’s really get in each other’s souls. Let’s create this amazing, collaborative thing, right? And then ‘Deadpool’ opened, right? And they never tested ‘Batman v. Superman,’ so they were expecting a different result, and then they got hammered by all the critics. Then it’s like, ‘Okay, we’re going to turn David Ayer’s dark, soulful movie into a f**king comedy now.’”

When previously talking about his original cut of the film, the director said:

“All I know is my unseen film plays much better than the studio release. The interest in my cut being show seems real and organic. And Gunn told me it would have it’s time to be shared. He absolutely deserves to launch his DC universe without more drama about old projects. In a way I’m chained to this thing. I’m riding a tiger here and navigating this situation the best I can. Life is a very strange journey.”

A lot of fans still put the blame on Ayer, but you’d think people would learn by now that Hollywood executives are the main cause for most of the crappy movies that are released. Ayer definitely got screwed over with this one. I’d love to see his film, but I have no idea if that’s ever going to happen.

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