Director Jon Turteltaub Says His IT'S A SMALL WORLD Disney Movie is Clever and Delightful

It was announced back in 2014 that Disney would be developing a feature film adaptation of  their classic Disneyland attraction It's a Small World. Turns out director Jon Turteltaub is still developing it, it's obviously just taking a lot longer than expected. 

The thought of an It's a Small World movie seems like a ridiculous concept and while talking to /Film, the director addresses that and says they've actually come up with a clever and delightful way to bring the ride to life. When asked about the film, Turteltaub said:

"I took my daughter on the ride this weekend actually.  Last weekend.  We’re still…  Anyone who says making a movie based on the Small World ride is ridiculous is completely right.  Which is why it’s really tricky to figure it out.  Because there is a way where it’s not ridiculous.  Where in fact it’s pretty clever and delightful.  We’re working on the clever and delightful version and that’s gonna take more time than the really ridiculous, bad version."

He was then asked if there was a logline he could share for the film, to which he replied: 

"I think we know it’s very emotional because it is a world of laughter and a world of tears."

It will be interesting to see how they end up bringing this film to life and what kind of story it will tell. I personally always imagined It's a Small World as a horror movie. A group of people get trapped in the ride and are horrifically attacked by an army of creepy animatronic children.

What would you like to see from an It's a Small World movie?

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