Even The Guy Who Played Greedo Says Han Shot First
As if anyone needed further convincing that Han Solo shot first in the theatrical cut of 1977's Star Wars, the man who played Greedo has come forward to say that's exactly how it went down on both the set of the film and in the original script. Actor Paul Blake told the New York Daily News (via Uproxx):
"...it said it all in the original script, we played in the scene in English and at the end of the scene, it reads, 'Han shoots the alien.' It's all it says and that's what happened. It was very painful."
Like the rest of fandom, Blake wants to see the original version reinstated to the movie, but he has slightly more selfish reasoning: the altered version makes Greedo look like an embarrassingly terrible bounty hunter:
"He was a bit inept wasn't he? He's a worse shot than a Stormtrooper. I don't think Jabba had him under a pension plan let's put it that way. It would be lovely to see them go back to the original version, I much preferred it, I must say. And it does give it Greedo a little more glory if he's just blown away."
Despite George Lucas's constant meddling with the footage and multiple denials of the truth, we all know how it actually went down. An unearthed version of the original script proved it, and Blake is one more voice adding to the chorus that's been wanting to see the original version for years. But Lucas won't give in, and Harrison Ford has his own thoughts on the matter.