GAME OF THRONES Promo Video Announces Season 8 Will Premiere April 2019
The final season of Game of Thrones is upon us! Everything that we’ve seen has been leading up to this moment and the fans can hardly contain themselves!
Well, HBO decided to get the fans even more pumped up for the eighth and finale season as they’ve released a promo video that announces a April 2019 premiere!
Every battle.
— Game Of Thrones (@GameOfThrones) November 13, 2018
Every betrayal.
Every risk.
Every fight.
Every sacrifice.
Every death.
All #ForTheThrone.
We have no idea how Season 8 is going to play out, but producer Bryan Cogman has previously teased that it’s going to be a emotional and hunting finale:
“It’s about all of these disparate characters coming together to face a common enemy, dealing with their own past, and defining the person they want to be in the face of certain death. It’s an incredibly emotional haunting bittersweet final season and I think it honors very much what [author George R.R. Martin] set out to do — which is flipping this kind of story on its head.”
There’s no doubt that this ending is going to leave us with a bitter sweet feeling. We know that not everyone is going to survive and there’s a good chance that the characters we want to survive won’t. What if the most despicable characters win!? That would suck.
What characters are you hoping to see survive?