Glen Powell Says The CAPTAIN PLANET Film He's Writing is "Dark and Irreverent"
You’d be forgiven if you had forgotten about the Captain Planet movie that’s in the works. The last I heard of it was 2+ years ago! Now, it turns out that Glen Powell (Scream Queens, Set It Up, Top Gun: Maverick) is writing the film. Maybe this news means that things are picking up and we can expect to hear more about it. Talking about his take on Captain Planet, Powell said this:
“I mean they’ve tried to make it into a superhero movie before, but they kind of did like an earnest take and ours is way more subversive and fun and like dark and irreverent.
Sometimes you have to think of these things logically. If you have a blue superhero with a green mullet, you can’t do like an earnest take on that. You have to go at it from a fun [direction].”
I’ll be honest, I don’t know that I want a Captain Planet movie. Sure, he’s now a meme now, but maybe we leave this one alone. If they keep the green mullet, I hope they set the film in the 80s or 90s. You can watch the whole interview with THR below with the Captain Planet bit starting around the 5:15 mark.