GREEN LANTERN CORPS Still in the Works According to David Goyer
It’s no secret that the DC Expanded Universe is not doing so hot. Outside of Wonder Woman, a lot of their films have not done very well critically. This, of course, has led to a restructuring of people at Warner Bros. that put producer Walter Hamada in charge of the DC film division. A shake-up like this can put into question the future of films that have been announced such as Green Lantern Corps. For all the fans of Green Lantern, don’t worry. Screenwriter David Goyer (Batman Begins) has told IGN that the movie is "still in the works." When pressed for a bit more info, Goyer responded with:
“I don’t know. Who knows, especially with what’s currently going on with the DC universe? There’s obviously a whole recalibration happening with that right now.”
Seems fair enough since the changes are still new. I hope that this movie goes through and I hope it’s better than the last one we got. Green Lantern is in my top 5 of DC heroes and there’s a lot they can work with. How do you think they should handle the Green Lantern Corps movie?