Here's Your First Look at Kristen Wiig in WONDER WOMAN 1984 — GeekTyrant

Here's Your First Look at Kristen Wiig in WONDER WOMAN 1984

Director Patty Jenkins has shared the first photo of Kristen Wiig as Barbara Minerva in Wonder Woman 1984. As you know, Minerva ends up becoming the villain Cheetah in the film, who will end up fighting against Wonder Woman.

A lot of fans are a little skeptical of Wiig taking on this world. It was definitely an unexpected casting choice, but I'm looking forward to see how she bring this character to life. I also can't wait to see what the Cheetah character design looks like!

We don't know much about how the story of this film will play out, but Minerva, "a British anthropologist who becomes the avatar of the cheetah god after locating the lost city of Urzkartagan and stumbling into the middle of an ancient ritual."

The story is set in 1984 during the Cold War, and is said to follow Diana Prince as she reunites with Steve Trevor to fight evil. When previously talking about the film, director Jenkins said:

"[Wonder Woman is an] optimistic and positive character. This film set in the '80s, she has to deal with the temptation of our world, and face extraordinary odds."

The sequel is set to star Narcos actor Pedro Pascal who will also have a lead role. You can read some rumored information about who he might be playing here

The screenplay was written by director Patty Jenkins, Geoff Johns, and Dave Callaham. The film will be released on November 1, 2019.

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