I Just Realized... Disney Now Owns The Rights to FIREFLY! — GeekTyrant

I Just Realized... Disney Now Owns The Rights to FIREFLY!

Yesterday Disney and Fox officially closed their deal together and Marvel fans have been extremely excited to see how this is going to affect the MCU after Avengers 4. It's definitely going to be interesting to see what comes of the "Marvel-R Brand" that Disney CEO Bob Iger said they are looking at exploring.

Outside of Marvel, there are a ton of other properties that Disney now has their hands on. During a conversation I was having about it, I realized that one awesome property that Disney acquired in the purchase was Joss Whedon's Firefly

No one has really said anything about this property, but it would be so cool if Disney actually made the attempt to try and revive it! There's got to be some executive at the studio who is a fan of the series and interested in wanting to revive it! Disney seems like a great home for the property.

Disney is looking at developing original programming for their streaming service, a Firefly revival would be perfect! Or even another film. Of course, if they did try to do it Joss Whedon would have to be involved or at the very least, give his blessing. 

As many of you already know, Fox canceled Firefly in 2002 after one amazing season. A few years later Whedon directed the movie Serenity. Since then the fan community has grown and we've all been wanting to see a revival one day. The cast and crew are still constantly being asked about what the future of the series holds.

Well now that Disney has the rights, maybe someone over there will make an attempt to bring it back. Would you like to see Disney revive Firefly? If so, in what ways would you like to see that happen?

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