Jason Momoa's Ridiculous FAST X Villain Apparently Came About Over Lots of Joking Around Trying to Make Vin Diesel Laugh

Jason Mamoa’s villainous character in Fast X, Dante Reyes, has been getting a lot of praise from critics, saying he was one of the best parts of the movie. For me… the character made me dislike the movie even more. There was really nothing that I liked about the character and will go down in my mind as one of the worst villains of all time. That’s just my opinion, if you were a fan of the character, sorry! It’s just something that we’re gonna have to disagree on.

The movie features some of the worst dialogue and dialogue delivery in the franchise. It definitely didn’t utilize the talents of some of the actors, and the movie made it look like they had no talent! Anyway, apparently the character Dante was created over Momoa and director Louis Leterrier making each other laugh and also trying to make Vin Diesel laugh, and they could never break him. Leterrier shared in an interview with THR:

"[Jason Momoa and I] found each other on this movie, and we realized that making each other laugh was a great way to create Dante. So we rewrote the dialogue together. I'd say, 'You should say enchanté,' and then we would add 'very bad daddy.' So we really liked making each other laugh, and the extra points, the joker of our game, was to get Vin to crack up and come out of character as Dom Toretto."

"We tried really hard. Like when Dante calls Dom 'butthole,' but Vin is so focused when he is on set that it was impossible. And when we would call cut, Vin would be like, 'Oh, you guys tried really hard!' So we were like kids on set, and it was absolute fun."

So, it seems to me like the whole character is a whole inside joke between Momoa and Leterrier. I can see how they were trying to do something unique and different with the character, but I didn’t find the character interesting at all. He definitely didn’t come off as being the kind of villain that anyone should really be afraid of. There were a handful of times in the film where anyone could have easily killed him, but they never did! They just talked! Ugh.

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