J.K. Simmons Initially Passed on INVINCIBLE When He Was Offered a Different Role

Early on in the development of Prime Video’s animated series adaptation of Robert Kirkman’s Invincible, J.K. Simmons was offered another mystery role in the story, and he turned it down. Had he said yes, he most likely wouldn’t have ended up playing Omini Man, which is and awesome role for him!

Simmons recently sat down with GQ for its Iconic Characters video series, and he revisited some of the more well-known characters he has played.

While talking about Omni-Man, Simmons revealed that he was initially offered another role in the animated series. After passing on that role, it was;t until several months later that he was offered Omni-Man.

Simmions said: “Invincible came to me out of the blue, and I read, I think the one script that was available and thought it was really good.

“They actually had first approached me about playing a different character, and I read it, and I thought, ‘Wow, this is, like, really smart and weird and cool.’

“This sounds silly, because it’s animated, but I just kind of didn’t see myself as the character that they were saying they would want me to play, and I passed on it. Then, I don’t know how many months later, they came back and asked me to play Nolan, Omni-Man.”

Simmons continued: “I don’t think I knew how twisted it was at the time. I was just reading the first script, the first two. So, to me, it was another interesting dad character.

Steven Yeun and Sandra Oh, I think were already attached, and I thought, ‘They’re both fantastic, and I would love to work with them, even if it’s on a recording studio doing animation.'”

Simmons has worked on both seasons of Invincible so far, and he’s been awesome in this role! Everything played out the way it was supposed to, and he got the role he was meant to play in it.

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