Joe Manganiello Will Reprise His Role as Deathstroke in Zack Snyder's JUSTICE LEAGUE

Joe Manganiello is set to reprise his role as Slade Wilson, a.k.a. Deathstroke, in Zack Snyder’s upcoming cut of Justice League. The news comes just after it was reported that Jared Leto would return to play The Joker in the project.

Deathstroke did appear in Joss Whedon’s Justice League in the post-credit scene. He and Lex Luthor meet to discuss forming a band of villains to fight against Wonder Woman, Batman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Superman, and The Flash.

There are no details revealed on how Deathstroke will be utilized in Snyder’s vision of the story, so it’ll be interesting to see what the director has envisioned for him. Snyder is obviously coming up with a lot of new stuff to add in the film that he clearly wasn’t planning on including before.

The Justice League: Director’s Cut will be a 4-hour-long, episodic presentation on HBO MAX. Snyder was given a budget of around $70 million to complete the project, which includes new footage being shot with actors.

With all of the time, money, and effort being put into Snyder’s Justice League project, I hope that everyone is happy with how it turns out. Regardless, I’m sure that it will be a success for HBO Max.

Source: The Wrap

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