JOHN WICK Franchise Producer Thinks There Will Be a JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 5

After the way John Wick: Chapter 4 comes to an end, fans have been wondering if we will actually see another John Wick movie with Keanu Reeves back in the role of the master assassin. The movie was a big hit with fans, it was a massive box office success, and the studio is not ready to say goodbye to the character. So, chances are, we will see John Wick: Chapter 5 one day.

While I would love to see a sequel, I also don’t think the franchise needs one. John Wick: Chapter 4 was a perfect way to bring John’s story arc to a close. But, the temptation to bring him back is there and even one of the franchise producers is saying that she thinks Wick will return for another film. During a recent interview with /Film, Erica Lee said:

"I think that on all of the movies at this point in the process, we were like, 'We're never doing it again!' They're super hard and exhausting to shoot. 'John Wick 4' was 97 days of night shoots, and Keanu [Reeves] gets the s*** kicked out of him. Everyone by this point is like, 'We had seven premieres, oh my God, we're done!'"

But, after that exhaustion wears off, Lee explains that everyone wants to get back together to do it again:

"For the last two movies — there's been a Japan release for both of them that was a couple months later — everyone has had some time to rest and think about what we would do, what we could do. I think we all remember how much we love each other and love these movies. So yeah, I'm hopeful. Is the character of John Wick dead? Are there other versions? Are there different stories to tell? I think so."

As for what Keavu Reeves thinks, he recently gave Entertainment Weekly the “never say never” answer. He said: “I guess I'm going to have to lean on never say never [...] For me, it feels really right that John Wick finds peace."

Maybe that peace will be short-lived. Would you want to see John Wick return for a fifth movie? Do you think they should leave Wick at peace? What kind of future do you see for Wick if they did bring him back!?

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