Jon Favreau Teases Where THE MANDALORIAN Season 3 is Headed in its Remaining Episodes

A lot of Star Wars fans are enjoying the ride that The Mandalorian Season 3 has taken us on so far, and we’re all very very excited about what is coming in the remaining episodes. I imagine the events that have taken place and the stories that we’ve seen unfold for the characters are going to lead to an epic season finale.

During Star Wars Celebration, which took place over the weekend, series creator, writer, director, and producer Jon Favreau teased some things that we can expect, but don’t worry, he doesn’t spoil anything. During an interview with CB, Favreau said:

"Well, you know, if I talk too much about what happens, it will really take away from the viewing experience. So it's not too much longer to wait where, you know, there's a lot of characters and storylines that we've threaded through these multiple seasons. Some characters return, some characters are resolved ... everybody has been coming in at different angles and they're it's all kind of culminating as they, you know, have set out to return to Mandalore ... So we've been building this for quite some time and I'll tell you I'm really happy with how it came out, and the fun part now is seeing how everybody goes on the ride with us."

Whatever happens at the end of the series, we know that it’s going to set up a fourth season, and threads of the story could also tie into Ahsoka, The Book of Boba Fett Season 2, and Skeleton Crew. Then all of these shows will lead to the big movie that Dave Filoni is directing.

That movie will “close out” the interconnected stories, and it was explained that it will follow "the escalating war between the imperials and the fledging New Republic." When Favreau was asked if he had an ending in mind for The Mandalorian, he said:

"No, I don't. I think the beauty of this is that it's a middle chapter of a much larger story. And though we'll have resolution over time with these characters, I think that how these characters fit into the larger scope and scale, but it's not like there's a finale that we're building to that I have in mind. Quite the contrary, I love for these stories to go on and on. And so these characters potentially could be with us for a while, and I really love telling stories in their voice, and I love the way the adventures unfold and I'm looking forward to doing much more."

With that being said, it’s safe to say that the stories of some of these Star Wars characters will continue after Filoni’s movie. At least I hope that they do!

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