Joss Whedon Rumored to Direct STAR WARS: EPISODE IX
There's a rumor that is spreading like wildfire across the internet regarding Joss Whedon directing Star Wars: Episode IX. The rumor originated at the Get Your Geek On podcast, and was picked up by Movie Pilot. I just thought I would address it here since people have been asking me about it.
They say that Whedon "is a lock" for the project. I personally think it's unlikely that Whedon is going to direct a Star Wars movie anytime soon. As you know, the director just got finished directing the epic Marvel film Avengers: Age of Ultron. That was a huge project for him, and it was not any easy one for him to do, which is one of the reasons why he passed on Avengers: Infinity War. A few months ago, he said this in an interview:
“I couldn't imagine doing this again. It's enormously hard, and it'd be, by then, a good five years since I created anything that was completely my own. So it's very doubtful that I would take on the two-part Infinity War movie that would eat up the next four years of my life.”
He makes it pretty clear here that he would like to make an original film of his own, and not take on a project that will take several years to make. Neither of these things match up with him taking on a Star Wars film project.
The director recently cancelled his Twitter account so he wouldn't have that distraction to deal with now that he's writing again. What's he writing? I have no idea, but I imagine it's one of several original ideas that he's probably been itching to develop.
I'm sure that Disney and Lucasfilm have approached him at some point to take on a Star Wars film. From several interviews that he's given, though, it just doesn't sound like the kind of project that he's looking to take on right now.
If it turns out that Whedon will be working on a Star Wars film...awesome! I just personally don't see it happening. So that's what I think about the rumor. What do you think?