Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles co-creator and The Last Ronin co-writer Kevin Eastman has confirmed that there is a proper sequel in development for the comic book series, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin.

While talking to Rolling Stone, Eastman said that the sequel to The Last Ronin will arrive after he concludes the spinoff series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Lost Years. He said:

"The Lost Years [will] run five issues, with a one-shot called Lost Day, which is part of that five-issue thing, which will lead into The Last Ronin 2, which we've got some really awesome ideas for that. The evolution of the new characters - the new turtles - it was the same heart and soul. It would be easy to say, 'Oh here's more turtles and they're named after four scientists.'...The story and how you're introduced to them and as you see them grow, and what they're going to become in The Lost Years, you're seeing the tip of the iceberg, the fingernail if you will, of what we're going to do with them." 

This is pretty exciting news for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans! I love what they’ve been doing with the recent comic book stories and while we knew that The Last Ronin 2 was eventually going to happen, it’s nice to have Eastman confirm it and tease when it’s coming.

The four new ninja turtles that were introduced in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin - Lost Years include: Odyn, a burly boy who seems kind of dumb but in a charming way and looks like a snapping turtle. Uno, an athletic smarty pants who is observant to a fault and always eager to one-up his siblings. Moja, short and stocky with a pointed beak, she's protective but also eager to please. And Yi, the sensitive one with an interest in technology.

What are your thoughts on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic series that Eastman has been working on?

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