LOGAN Photo: Two Photos of Stephen Merchant's Caliban (Updated) — GeekTyrant

LOGAN Photo: Two Photos of Stephen Merchant's Caliban (Updated)

Updated: Merchant took to Instagram to share a photo of himself in costume, which we've embedded at the bottom of this post. Original article continues.

As we anxiously await a trailer for Logan, Hugh Jackman's final film as Wolverine, we've been scouring the stream of official photos being released for any clues about what we can expect from this last adventure. Not long ago, we heard a rumor that actor Stephen Merchant (the British Office, HBO's Hello Ladies) would be playing the mutant Caliban, and now a new photo from director James Mangold seems to back that up. Check out the pic:

For those who aren't familiar with the comics, Caliban has the ability to sense other mutants within 25 miles of him, and occasionally has superhuman strength and the power to absorb fear from those around him and amplify it back out into his environment. The character appeared in X-Men: Apocalypse in an underground bunker in Cairo (Psylocke was his bodyguard), but Logan takes place just over forty years after the events of that film. This franchise has always had a screwy timeline, so it seems as if this is another instance where they thought, "Screw it — let's put this character in there anyway."

Logan hits theaters on March 3, 2017.

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A photo posted by Stephen Merchant (@stephenmerchant) on

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