Loki Might Be the Key to AVENGERS: DOOMSDAY According to New Rumor

As fans continue piecing together what Avengers: Doomsday might have in store, a new rumor is floating around that puts Tom Hiddleston’s Loki at the very center of the film’s storyline.

We have talked about this before in a bigger article about the film, but it seemed to have been a interesting overlooked details, so I wanted to spotlight it.

According to The Cosmic Circus, Loki might be the driving force behind the entire movie. Perez explained, “He’ll be our MacGuffin. The race against Doomsday will be a race to see who gets to Loki first.”

A "MacGuffin" is basically a plot catalyst, something everyone wants and will go to any length to get. Think the Infinity Stones in Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. Now swap out the stones for a time-hopping trickster who just became the literal protector of the multiverse at the end of Loki Season 2.

And then there's the wildcard, with Robert Downey Jr. set to play Victor Von Doom. If the rumors are true, the next Avengers movie may revolve around Doom and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes scrambling to find Loki first, each with their own reasons.

Doom wants power. The Avengers want to stop him. And Loki? Well, he’s the key to the key to holding the multiverse together, as he maintains the Multiverse’s infinite branching timelines, and controlling (or removing) him could unravel reality itself.

The film is currently slated to hit theaters on May 1, 2026, with Avengers: Secret Wars following on May 7, 2027. Until then, expect the theories and rumor to keep snowballing.

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