MGM Wants to Make a CABIN IN THE WOODS Sequel
About a month ago we posted an article by one of our writers who wanted to see a Cabin in the Woods sequel get made. You can read that here, and it also includes some ideas on how the filmmakers could approach a sequel if it ever happens.
Lots of readers didn't seem very happy with that idea, but it looks like MGM is looking at getting a sequel into development anyway. Writer and director Drew Goddard is making the press rounds for The Martian, which he wrote the script for, and while talking to Den of Geek he revealed that he's been approached by the studio regarding The Cabin in the Woods 2.
When they asked him about the sequel he said that "the studio wants to do it. They've come to us. The funny part is, I don't think we planned that movie to do a sequel, you know?" If you saw the horror movie, then you know that the ending didn't really leave anything open for a sequel. In regards to the ending, and the possibility of continuing the story, Goddard said:
"The fun thing about Cabin is, the rules are pretty crazy. We get away with a lot of crazy stuff. So, I'm sure we could figure it out if we got inspired to. I know Joss [Whedon] and I both feel like we don't want to tarnish what we did with the first one. With a sequel, we'd only do it if it made us laugh hard enough, I suppose."
This is a different tone from statements made by Goddard in the past. He's dismissed the idea of a sequel before, but now it seems like he'd actually entertain the idea. There are obviously no concrete plans for a sequel right now, but that could change any day if Goddard and Whedon decidethat they actually want to move forward with it. Asked if there are any ideas yet, he said:
"Yeah, we don't know. There's nothing in the hopper right now, but who knows? The way Joss and I work, we might wake up tomorrow and go, 'let's go do that,' or whatever."
So there you have it, folks. If Goddard and Whedon ever come up with a fun idea for a sequel, then they might just make it. I personally think that it's a long shot, but if they did decide to make a sequel, would you be excited to see it?