Michael B. Jordan Confirmed to Have Met With DC About Playing Superman
Art by Salman Artworks
About a year ago, it was rumored that Warner Bros. was considering casting Michael B. Jordan as the next version of Superman. Well, Variety has confirmed that the actor did in fact meet with the studio about taking on the role!
According to the report, “there was a meeting with Michael B. Jordan earlier this year with the Creed star pitching Warners on a vision for the character. However, Jordan isn’t ready to commit to taking on the project since filming doesn’t seem likely to happen for several years and he has a full dance card of projects.”
The studio has also been having discussions with producer J.J. Abrams, whose Bad Robot recently signed a massive first-look deal with the studio. So, it makes sense that they would want to try to get him involved with any number of these DC projects that they’re currently working on and trying to figure out.
Henry Cavill would still love to play Superman, and he recently said that he hasn’t given up on the role. They question is… has Warner Bros. given up on him?
Insiders say that a new Superman film is unlikely to hit screens before 2023, given that there’s no script and no director attached.