More Cool New Concept Art From Neil Blomkamp's ALIEN 5


Neil Blomkamp’s Alien 5 could have been something incredibly awesome and epic had the studio given him the opportunity to make the movie. But, they opted to focus on Ridley Scott’s Alien films, which a lot of fans felt were disappointing.

Well, today we’ve got some more new concept art to share with you for the unproduced movie that would have seen the return of Sigourney Weaver and Michael Bean. The events of the film would have picked up after the events of James Cameron’s Aliens and ignored the events of Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection. The art you will see below comes from artist Geoffroy Thoorens.

When previously talking about the project, Weaver said:

"We almost started to do it when I was working with James Cameron. But by the time we were put off by Fox, Neill had gotten so many jobs that we’d have to wait probably. I’m busy doing Avatar 4and 5. I love working with Neill and I think he’d do a terrific job, and James Cameron really thinks it’s a great idea, so you never know. Right now, I think Neill’s got like three projects going at once."

There is another Alien 5 film that is in development and it’s being produced by Walter Hill. Blomkamp is not involved with this project. It’s explained that the "destiny" of Ellen Ripley is key to the new movie.

We've already seen some really cool concept art from the film in the past. But, here’s some more to enjoy!

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