New Insight Shared on the Upcoming INDIANA JONES Video Game

Three years ago, Bethesda announced that they were developing an Indiana Jones video game with Machine Games and Lucafilm Games, which got fans pretty excited. After all these years, it’s about time that we actually get a proper Indiana Jones video game! The developers are obviously taking their time with it.

This game will tell an original Indiana Jones story, and this is a game that director Todd Howard has been trying to get made for over a decade! During an interview with Esquire, Howard opened up about the game and offered some additional insight. He explained:

"I am a giant Indiana Jones fan. It can be brought to video games in a unique way. The game is obviously: you're exploring stuff. It's about him. So if you're playing the game, how do you feel that you are indeed playing versus just watching? [...] We'll talk next year."

So, hopefully, next year we actually get some story details because that’s what I’m really curious about learning. But, I do like that he is looking to give fans a unique Indiana Jones gaming experience.

Bethesda's head of publishing, Pete Hines, previously discussed the project, saying: "Todd might be the biggest Indiana Jones fan on the planet. I'm not exaggerating even a little." He went on to say: "Anyone who has seen the pitch has immediately said, 'oh my god, I have to play that game right now.’ It's going to be amazing and we think reaction to the announcement is going to be terrific."

While the game was announced three years ago, its likely that it’s still pretty far off from being released.

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