Nicolas Cage and Hideo Kojima Meet and Now Fans Think He's in DEATH STANDING 2

Hideo Kojima recently met with Nicolas Cage and photos of the two were shared on social media. Now a ton of fans think that Cage is going to appear in Death Stranding 2. While there is really nothing to substantiate that, it doesn’t dull down the fact that fans would love to see that happen.

Kojima meets with all kinds of celebrities all the time, so this very well could be just a friendly courtesy visit for Cage to see what Kojima is working on. But, then there’s the possibility that Kojima met with Cage for a project, which could be Death Stranding 2 or a future game project that Kojima is developing.

I sure would love to see Cage and Kojima collaborate on something! I imagine they could tell some kind of wild over-the-top story together. Cage was recently added to the video game Dead By Daylight. Maybe he enjoyed that experience so much that he wanted to team up with the best to do something. Only they know what’s going on.

Would you want to see Cage and Kojima collaborate on a game together? Do you think it’s possible Cage will show up in Death Stranding, or is that just wishful thinking?

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