Patrick Stewart Hopes More Crew Members From THE NEXT GENERATION Will Appear in STAR TREK: PICARD


Star Trek: Picard was such a joy to watch. That was an incredibly well-made series and it was pretty cool to see The Next Generation crew members Counselor Troi, Commander Riker, and Data appear in the first season. Fans have been wondering if we see any more members of the original crew and Patrick Stewart hopes that we will before Picard comes to a close.

During a recent interview with Gold Derby, Stewart says:

"In meetings when we talked about bringing in members of The Next Generation crew, that was one of the things I was most passionate about, which was not only should Picard have changed during the 18 years that had passed, but the same has to be applied to Counselor Troi, to Commander Riker, to whoever it is. And by the way, I am very hopeful we will see more of The Next Generation crew before we say goodbye to Picard. And that is just what they did, and there is no better example than the episode."

If Stewart is passionate about this and hopeful that it will happen, then there’s a very good chance that we will see more members of the Enterprise crew show up in the series! Jonathan Frakes previously talked about the upcoming season and he also expects some of his former co-stars to show up:

"I do expect to be back to direct the show, and I also think it'd be a good bet that we'll some other members of Next Gen because I think the 'Nepenthe' test went very well. I think to see if there was an appetite. I think they suspected there was, but I think to see if it would resonate to have Picard reunite with some of the people in a creative way. I'm glad we didn't come back on the Titan, for instance, that we were found on another part [of the universe]. It's 33 years or something. As Picard as changed, so has Riker and Troi and so has Seven."

One crew member I’m confident will return is LeVar Burton’s Geordi La Forge. He already talked about the possibility of returning, saying:

“How do I say this without getting in trouble… I think that is reasonable to assume that those people are still a part of Picard’s life and — sure, what the hell — yeah, absolutely! You’ll see us all, probably not all at the same time but, you know, never say never.”

When sharing his thoughts on where he’d like the series to pick up with the character, he said:

“I have suggested to the producers that we find Geordi in a position where he is teaching and passing that knowledge and information on to another generation. We’ll see. Alex [Kurtzman] and the folks are in charge and they are doing an amazing job. When they call and whatever they want me to do, I’m pretty sure it is going to be spectacular.”

I’m excited to see who else ends up showing up in Picard and see where life ended up taking them.

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