Peter Jackson Is Said to Still Be Working on THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN 2

It has been 13 years since Steven Spielberg's animated adventure film The Adventures of Tintin was released and that was supposed to be the start of a trilogy of Tintin films, the sequel of which was going to be directed by Peter Jackson.

We haven’t had any update on this project in years, and I just assumed it was no longer happening. Jackson was supposed to start work on it after he was done with The Hobbit trilogy, and apparently he’s actually still working on it.

This latest update comes from a random fan encounter between Andy Serkis and an attendee at the Annecy Film Festival, and Serkis told him that Jackson is “definitely working on it.”

There have been rumors that the sequel will be based on a two-part story from the series, Seven Crystal Balls and Prisoners of the Sun, and that it would be called The Adventures Of Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun.

The plot of the film apparently involves Tintin and Captain Haddock investigating a strange illness that has befallen seven explorers who have discovered an Incan tomb, before traveling to Peru to get to the bottom of the mystery.

The first film featured motion-capture performances by Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Gad Elmaleh, Toby Jones and Mackenzie Crook. I assume the same cast will be back for the sequel.

The first film follows the young and intrepid journalist Tintin, who, along with his faithful dog Snowy, discovers a model ship that holds an extraordinary secret. This discovery sets them on a globe-trotting adventure as they join forces with the gruff but good-hearted Captain Haddock.

Together, they race against time and a cunning adversary, Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine, to uncover the secrets of the sunken ship, the Unicorn, which purportedly leads to a hidden treasure.

The journey takes them from bustling European cities to the scorching deserts of North Africa and the treacherous high seas. Along the way, Tintin and Captain Haddock uncover clues, face numerous perils, and form a deep bond.

The film is known for its groundbreaking motion-capture animation that brought these beloved characters and their world to life.

I hope that this new is true because I liked the first film and would love to see Jackson actually get around to making this sequel.

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