Positive Movie Reviews for Sale on GeekTyrant for Only $10 Million!
This past weekend GeekTyrant posted a positive review for the upcoming Ghostbusters reboot. I have yet to see the movie myself, but Ben obviously enjoyed it and shared his enthusiasm with our readers.
For some reason, his positive review sparked an uprising of people accusing us of being paid off by the studio for a positive review. The same thing happened when I wrote a positive review for Warcraft.
Can’t a movie fan just enjoy a movie anymore? If we don’t jump in on the bandwagon of hate, all of a sudden we are accused of being paid off by the studio? I’ve said time and time again that if we were paid to write good reviews for films I would be a rich man, but alas, I’m not.
I have heard rumors about studios paying websites to write positive reviews for movies back in the day, but not anymore. As far as video games go, though, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment recently got hit with a settlement after The US Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint that WB gave YouTube game reviewers “cash payments often ranging from hundreds of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars” for the 2014 game Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor.
GeekTyrant has never received any payment from any movie studio to write a positive review. If anyone did want to pay us to write a positive review for a product, we talked it over this past weekend and decided that the going rate is $10 million.
Look, the bottom line is GeekTyrant doesn’t operate like that. It goes against our core ethics and everything we believe in. If you go to our GeekTyrant “About” page you will find that our core principles are “Honesty, Speed, Quality, Teamwork & Respect, Innovation, Growth, Fun, and Tyranny.” We’ve stood by these values since the very beginning, and they will never change.
Honesty is number one. When you come to GeekTyrant you will get an honest opinion. It may not match up with your own, and you may not agree, but that’s ok! We live in a world where every geek has their own outlook on things. We completely embrace that, we love hearing what our readers have to say, and we completely respect differences in opinion.
I started this website because I freakin love talking about movies, video games, art, and comics. Our writers came to write for GeekTyrant because we allow them the freedom to say what they want regardless of what anyone else thinks. We don’t direct them at all in the opinions they share in their articles. We hope our readers feel like they can come here and have that same freedom to speak their minds as well.
We will never compromise our ethics here, and if any studio ever decided to pay us $10 million for a positive review, we would start with the review off honestly with a disclaimer saying, “Holy shit! A studio actually paid us $10 million to write this review! Hahahaha! Suckers!” Of course, we all know that will never ever happen.
If you’ve been reading the site for awhile then you know you can trust us. If you are new to the site, then now you know how we do business and that we actually care about our audience and gaining their trust. In the end, it’s all about doing what we love to do and having fun being geeks.