Remember That Time Robert Zemeckis Said The Hover Boards in BACK TO THE FUTURE PART II Were Real!?

When I first saw footage of the Hoverboard in Back To The Future Part II when I was a kid, like every other kid… I wanted one! That was the coolest damn thing! A freakin’ Hoverboard! Wow! It blew my mind!

Now, as a kid, I did know that there was stuff in movies that were fake because I went to Universal Studios a lot, but I remember the talk on the playground at school and with kids saying that they actually saw one for real once, and even the lucky one that said that they owned one, but never showed it off because their parents wouldn’t let them.

It didn’t help that the director of the film, Robert Zemeckis himself, said in a behind-the-scenes promo that the Hoverboard was real! In fact, he said that they had been around for years, but he claimed that it was because of “parent groups” that they were never released and sold because they were too dangerous. But as he says in the video, “We got our hands on some and put them in the movie.”

Yeah, it was a playful hoax that ended up breaking the hearts of a lot of kids when they found out they weren’t really real. That was such a huge bummer.

Now there were attempts to make a real Hoverboard, but nothing ever really got off the ground in a commercial market. It was all just for fun to see if it could actually be done. Tony Hawk rode one once! Anyway, you can watch the promo video below where Zemeckis says Hoverboards are real.

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